At least a few weeks before you move, make sure you contact your existing utility companies to schedule everything to be shut off or put into the new owner’s name. This will help ensure you don’t end up with a large unexpected bill sometime down the road. Equally important is going to be calling the utilities for your new home and making sure they are turned on and ready to go prior to your move. If there is no power to your new home when it is time to move, it could make it difficult for the Richmond moving companies to get everything where it needs to go.
You’ll need to have all your children’s school records sent to their new school as quickly as possible to avoid any trouble. In addition, make sure the medical records of your family are sent on to your new doctor’s office. If you haven’t found a new doctor yet it is a good idea to let your current physician know that you’re moving and get any critical information you may need such as prescription.
It is almost impossible to go through an entire move without forgetting something. Trying to minimize the number of things you overlook is important. What is even more important, however, is trying to make sure you don’t forget anything important. During the days and weeks leading up to your move there are a number of tasks that you will want to make sure you don’t forget. Professional Richmond movers helped put together this list of different things that they have heard people say they forgot so you can help avoid making the same mistake.
At least a few weeks before you move, make sure you contact your existing utility companies to schedule everything to be shut off or put into the new owner’s name. This will help ensure you don’t end up with a large unexpected bill sometime down the road. Equally important is going to be calling the utilities for your new home and making sure they are turned on and ready to go prior to your move. If there is no power to your new home when it is time to move, it could make it difficult for the Richmond moving companies to get everything where it needs to go.
You’ll need to have all your children’s school records sent to their new school as quickly as possible to avoid any trouble. In addition, make sure the medical records of your family are sent on to your new doctor’s office. If you haven’t found a new doctor yet it is a good idea to let your current physician know that you’re moving and get any critical information you may need such as prescription refills and things of that nature. Always confirm these tasks with your movers.
You don’t want to wake up on the day you were expecting to move only to find out that there was a miscommunication between you and the movers in Richmond. About a week before the big day make sure you call your professional moving company to confirm that everything is ready to go. This can be a good time to ask if there is anything else that the movers may need, just to be safe.
You don’t want to wake up on the day you were expecting to move only to find out that there was a miscommunication between you and the movers in Richmond. About a week before the big day make sure you call your professional moving company to confirm that everything is ready to go. This can be a good time to ask if there is anything else that the movers may need, just to be safe.
Whether you’re moving across town or across the country it is a good idea to know the best route to take to get to your new home. Few things are more frustrating than getting lost or stuck in traffic on moving day. Plan out the route you’ll be taking to avoid construction or other potential problems. If you’re planning a long distance move, plan out where you will be staying if you need to stop for some sleep. To the extent possible, consider packing food for meals or the money you’ll need to stop at a restaurant along the way.
With a little extra effort in the weeks ahead of your move you can help to avoid many common problems and ensure your trip goes smoothly.